 All-Around Boards 全能型-您會在平水區划也會去衝浪
Cruise Control(4 sizes)

The ultimate all-around board and Jimmy’s number-one seller! It is as fun surfing head high waves as it is paddling on small lakes and rivers. Beginner to expert.

Mission (formerly “Albatross”) 12’6″ . The Mission continues in 2012 as a top seller with a name change and added tie-down inserts to stow your gear. It is very fast on flat water and is stable enough for heavy-weight paddlers and beginners alike. It is great for small lakes and rivers and if you want to go out in the open ocean or the Great Lakes, you won’t be held back.  Beginner to expert.

Slice 12’6″ This model has a round displacement hull for maximum speed. It will catch and ride waves easily, but it is not designed for surfing.  The Slice is one of the fastest boards on the water in the 12’6 stock class. It requires a little extra concentration to balance, but the effort pays off in amazing speed and versatility. Aggressive beginner to expert.

Hanalei (5 sizes for 2012) Waves over head high will have this board feeling right at home but it’s also quite capable and surprisingly fast on flat water too. If you dream about surfing but want a board that won’t hold you back if there are no waves on the horizon, this board is for you. Intermediate to expert.

Maestro 10’3 X 35″ New for 2012! Jimmy’s new Maestro is the perfect board for learning, yoga, and rentals. It is wide and very easy to paddle for everyone — light, or heavyweights, and is extremely versatile.  Waves or flat water.

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