Jimmy Lewis Ultimate Noserider 接受預訂

ULTIMATE : Ultimate Noserider
The Ultimate is one of Jimmy's favorite shapes because when given the choice, nothing makes him more stoked than spending time on the nose ! 50/50 rails, deep nose concave, slightly rounded bottom and a deep noserider fin give the Ultimate the perfect blend of speed, glide, trim and power. The new lightweight epoxy construction gives this design a new performance that it has never featured in the past…the ability to trim to the nose…or..whip it off the tail swinging 10ft of board in front of you. In the past, boards like these were heavy logs, capable of one thing…going straight. Now thanks to the light and durable epoxy construction, you can spend just as much time turning as you do trimming. You're wave count will also go up, as these boards accelerate much more quickly than their heavier predecessors. Now available in three sizes : 9'9, 10'4 and 10'10”, the Ultimate will be ruling small wave lineups this Summer. A truly beautiful shape, with perfect contours, flowing rails and unmatched perfection, the Ultimate has to be seen, felt, and ridden, to be believed….The Ultimate Noserider.

9'9” x 23” x 3.4”
10'4” x 23.5”x 3.65”
10'10” x 24”x 4”

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